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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gigabyte’s Two Performing Merom Notebooks!

MobilityGuru has some fine two new quality notebooks from the house of Gigabyte-the 12.1-inches W251U (pictured left) and the 15.4-inches W551N (pictured right).
different tests including the 3DMark05 PCMark05, MobileMark 2005, Display Brightness and the Contrast tests. Anyway, the prominent difference is the display size. While both the notebooks are bestowed with the Core 2 Duo processors, the W551N supports Nvidia GeForce Go 7400 graphic processor and the W251U features Intel GMA 950.
The W251U runs on a 2GHz T7200 processor while the W251U features a 1.83GHz T5600. To know the detailed info on both the Gigabytes machines

Sigma Drops New Mice For Laptops
How cute! Sigma has announced to introduce multihued mouse for the laptops in the beginning of October. The new mouse will be intended for use with Windows Me/2000/XP and Mac OS X 10.2. With a size of 30×70x20mm and weight of 40 grams, the new Sigma mouse boasts a resolution of 1000 / 2000dpi and 9600fps. The expected price is around 40 euros.
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